/* top.c */ /* guybrush - Eurobot 2012 AI. {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Nicolas Schodet * * APBTeam: * Web: http://apbteam.org/ * Email: team AT apbteam DOT org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include "common.h" #include "io.h" #include "playground_2012.h" #include "asserv.h" #define FSM_NAME AI #include "fsm.h" #include "move.h" #include "chrono.h" #include "contact.h" #include "strat.h" #include "path.h" #include "output_defs.h" /* * Here is the top FSM. This FSM is suppose to give life to the robot with an * impression of intelligence... Well... */ FSM_INIT FSM_STATES ( /* Initial state. */ TOP_START, /* Going to a collect position above or below a totem. */ TOP_TOTEM_GOING, /* Put clamps down. */ TOP_TOTEM_CLAMP_DOWNING, /* Approaching a totem. */ TOP_TOTEM_APPROACHING, /* Emptying tree. */ TOP_TOTEM_EMPTYING, /* Pushing until full contact. */ TOP_TOTEM_PUSHING, /* Going back after totem has been emptied. */ TOP_TOTEM_GOING_BACK, /* Put clamps up. */ TOP_TOTEM_CLAMP_UPPING, /* Going to push a bottle. */ TOP_BOTTLE_GOING, /* Approaching the button. */ TOP_BOTTLE_APPROACHING, /* Push the button. */ TOP_BOTTLE_PUSHING, /* Going back after a bottle has been pushed. */ TOP_BOTTLE_GOING_BACK, /* Going to an unload position. */ TOP_UNLOAD_GOING, /* Unloading, waiting for elements to fall. */ TOP_UNLOADING) FSM_START_WITH (TOP_START) /** Top context. */ struct top_t { /** Decision position. */ vect_t decision_pos; }; /** Global context. */ struct top_t top; /** Go collect a totem. */ static void top_go_totem (void) { position_t pos; pos.v = top.decision_pos; pos.a = pos.v.y > PG_LENGTH / 2 ? POSITION_A_DEG (-90) : POSITION_A_DEG (90); move_start (pos, 0); } /** Go push a bottle button. */ static void top_go_bottle (void) { position_t pos; pos.v = top.decision_pos; pos.a = POSITION_A_DEG (90); move_start (pos, 0); } /** Go unload. */ static void top_go_unload (void) { position_t pos; pos.v = top.decision_pos; pos.a = PG_A_DEG (70); move_start (pos, 0); } /** Call strat to make a decision, apply it and return the decision to go to * the next state. */ static uint8_t top_decision (void) { uint8_t decision = strat_decision (&top.decision_pos); switch (decision) { case STRAT_DECISION_TOTEM: top_go_totem (); break; case STRAT_DECISION_BOTTLE: top_go_bottle (); break; case STRAT_DECISION_UNLOAD: top_go_unload (); break; default: assert (0); } return decision; } #define RETURN_TOP_DECISION_SWITCH(state, event) do { \ switch (top_decision ()) \ { \ default: assert (0); \ case STRAT_DECISION_TOTEM: \ return FSM_NEXT (state, event, totem); \ case STRAT_DECISION_BOTTLE: \ return FSM_NEXT (state, event, bottle); \ case STRAT_DECISION_UNLOAD: \ return FSM_NEXT (state, event, unload); \ } \ } while (0) FSM_TRANS (TOP_START, init_start_round, totem, TOP_TOTEM_GOING, bottle, TOP_BOTTLE_GOING, unload, TOP_UNLOAD_GOING) { strat_init (); RETURN_TOP_DECISION_SWITCH (TOP_START, init_start_round); } /** TOTEM */ FSM_TRANS (TOP_TOTEM_GOING, move_success, TOP_TOTEM_CLAMP_DOWNING) { FSM_HANDLE (AI, tree_detected); return FSM_NEXT (TOP_TOTEM_GOING, move_success); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_TOTEM_CLAMP_DOWNING, clamps_ready, TOP_TOTEM_APPROACHING) { asserv_move_linearly (PATH_GRID_CLEARANCE_MM - BOT_SIZE_FRONT - 30); return FSM_NEXT (TOP_TOTEM_CLAMP_DOWNING, clamps_ready); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_TOTEM_APPROACHING, robot_move_success, TOP_TOTEM_PUSHING) { asserv_push_the_wall (0, -1, -1, -1); return FSM_NEXT (TOP_TOTEM_APPROACHING, robot_move_success); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_TOTEM_PUSHING, robot_move_success, TOP_TOTEM_EMPTYING) { asserv_stop_motor (); FSM_HANDLE (AI, empty_tree); return FSM_NEXT (TOP_TOTEM_PUSHING, robot_move_success); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_TOTEM_EMPTYING, clamps_ready, TOP_TOTEM_GOING_BACK) { strat_success (); move_start_noangle (top.decision_pos, ASSERV_BACKWARD, 0); return FSM_NEXT (TOP_TOTEM_EMPTYING, clamps_ready); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_TOTEM_GOING_BACK, move_success, TOP_TOTEM_CLAMP_UPPING) { FSM_HANDLE (AI, robot_is_back); return FSM_NEXT (TOP_TOTEM_GOING_BACK, move_success); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_TOTEM_CLAMP_UPPING, clamps_ready, totem, TOP_TOTEM_GOING, bottle, TOP_BOTTLE_GOING, unload, TOP_UNLOAD_GOING) { RETURN_TOP_DECISION_SWITCH (TOP_TOTEM_CLAMP_UPPING, clamps_ready); } /** BOTTLE */ FSM_TRANS (TOP_BOTTLE_GOING, move_success, TOP_BOTTLE_APPROACHING) { asserv_move_linearly (-(BOT_SIZE_RADIUS + 70 - BOT_SIZE_BACK - 22 - 30)); return FSM_NEXT (TOP_BOTTLE_GOING, move_success); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_BOTTLE_APPROACHING, robot_move_success, TOP_BOTTLE_PUSHING) { asserv_push_the_wall (ASSERV_BACKWARD, -1, -1, -1); return FSM_NEXT (TOP_BOTTLE_APPROACHING, robot_move_success); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_BOTTLE_PUSHING, robot_move_success, TOP_BOTTLE_GOING_BACK) { asserv_stop_motor (); strat_success (); move_start_noangle (top.decision_pos, 0, 0); return FSM_NEXT (TOP_BOTTLE_PUSHING, robot_move_success); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_BOTTLE_GOING_BACK, move_success, totem, TOP_TOTEM_GOING, bottle, TOP_BOTTLE_GOING, unload, TOP_UNLOAD_GOING) { RETURN_TOP_DECISION_SWITCH (TOP_BOTTLE_GOING_BACK, move_success); } /** UNLOAD */ FSM_TRANS (TOP_UNLOAD_GOING, move_success, TOP_UNLOADING) { IO_SET (OUTPUT_DOOR_OPEN); IO_CLR (OUTPUT_DOOR_CLOSE); return FSM_NEXT (TOP_UNLOAD_GOING, move_success); } FSM_TRANS_TIMEOUT (TOP_UNLOADING, 250, totem, TOP_TOTEM_GOING, bottle, TOP_BOTTLE_GOING, unload, TOP_UNLOAD_GOING) { strat_success (); IO_CLR (OUTPUT_DOOR_OPEN); IO_SET (OUTPUT_DOOR_CLOSE); RETURN_TOP_DECISION_SWITCH (TOP_UNLOADING, TOP_UNLOADING_TIMEOUT); }