#ifndef hardware_hh #define hardware_hh // io-hub - Modular Input/Output. {{{ // // Copyright (C) 2013 Nicolas Schodet // // APBTeam: // Web: http://apbteam.org/ // Email: team AT apbteam DOT org // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // }}} #include "ucoolib/hal/uart/uart.hh" #include "ucoolib/hal/gpio/gpio.hh" #include "ucoolib/hal/adc/adc.hh" #include "ucoolib/hal/i2c/i2c.hh" #ifdef TARGET_stm32 # include "ucoolib/hal/usb/usb.hh" #else # include "ucoolib/arch/host/host_stream.hh" #endif #ifdef TARGET_host # include "simu_report.host.hh" #endif #ifdef TARGET_host # include "ucoolib/arch/host/host.hh" /// Class to work around C++ initializer list syntax. class HardwareHost : public ucoo::Host { public: HardwareHost (); }; #endif struct Hardware { #ifdef TARGET_host HardwareHost host; #endif ucoo::Uart dev_uart, zb_uart; #ifdef TARGET_stm32 ucoo::UsbStreamControl usb_control; ucoo::UsbStream usb, zb_usb_avrisp; ucoo::I2cHard main_i2c, zb_i2c; #else ucoo::HostStream usb; ucoo::I2cHost main_i2c, zb_i2c; #endif ucoo::Gpio raw_jack, ihm_color, ihm_strat, ihm_robot_nb, ihm_lol, ihm_emerg_stop; ucoo::Gpio glass_contact, cherry_plate_left_contact, cherry_plate_right_contact, cake_arm_out_contact, cake_arm_in_contact; ucoo::Gpio cherry_bad_out, cherry_bad_in, cherry_plate_up, cherry_plate_down, cherry_plate_clamp, cake_arm_out, cake_arm_in, cake_push_far_out, cake_push_far_in, cake_push_near_out, cake_push_near_in, glass_lower_clamp_close, glass_lower_clamp_open, glass_upper_clamp_close, glass_upper_clamp_open, glass_upper_clamp_up, glass_upper_clamp_down, gift_out, gift_in, ballon_funny_action, pneum_open; ucoo::Gpio dist0_sync, dist1_sync, dist2_sync, dist3_sync; static const int inputs_nb = 11; static const int outputs_nb = 21; #ifdef TARGET_stm32 ucoo::AdcHard adc; ucoo::AdcHardChannel adc_dist0, adc_dist1, adc_dist2, adc_dist3; ucoo::AdcHardChannel adc_cake_front, adc_cake_back; ucoo::AdcHardChannel adc_pressure; #else ucoo::AdcHost adc_dist0, adc_dist1, adc_dist2, adc_dist3; ucoo::AdcHost adc_cake_front, adc_cake_back; ucoo::AdcHost adc_pressure; #endif #ifdef TARGET_host SimuReport simu_report; #endif Hardware (); // Wait until next cycle. void wait (); // Handle zb programmation. void zb_handle (); // Handle zb programmation from specific stream. void zb_handle (ucoo::Stream &s); // Go to bootloader. void bootloader (); }; #endif // hardware_hh