/* debug_avr.c */ /* Beacon debug interface. {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Florent Duchon * * APBTeam: * Web: http://apbteam.org/ * Email: team AT apbteam DOT org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include #include #include #include "configuration.h" #include "print.h" #include "calibration.h" #include "debug_avr.h" #include "servo.h" #include "codewheel.h" #include "laser.h" #include "network_specific.h" #include "network_send_commands.h" #include "serial_ota.h" #include "motor.h" #include "position.h" #include "reset.h" #include "uid.h" #include "misc.h" HAL_UsartDescriptor_t appUsartDescriptor; // USART descriptor (required by stack) static HAL_AppTimer_t debugTimer; // TIMER descripor used by the DEBUG task uint8_t usartRxBuffer[APP_USART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE]; // USART Rx buffer uint8_t usartTxBuffer[APP_USART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE]; // USART Tx buffer uint8_t debug_network = 0; uint8_t debug_network_enable = 0; uint8_t rxBuffer[40]; /* This function initializes the USART interface for debugging on avr */ void initSerialInterface(void) { appUsartDescriptor.tty = USART_CHANNEL; appUsartDescriptor.mode = USART_MODE_ASYNC; appUsartDescriptor.baudrate = USART_BAUDRATE_38400; appUsartDescriptor.dataLength = USART_DATA8; appUsartDescriptor.parity = USART_PARITY_EVEN; appUsartDescriptor.stopbits = USART_STOPBIT_1; appUsartDescriptor.rxBuffer = usartRxBuffer; appUsartDescriptor.rxBufferLength = sizeof(usartRxBuffer); appUsartDescriptor.txBuffer = NULL; // use callback mode appUsartDescriptor.txBufferLength = 0; appUsartDescriptor.rxCallback = usartRXCallback; appUsartDescriptor.txCallback = usartTXCallback; appUsartDescriptor.flowControl = USART_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE; OPEN_USART(&appUsartDescriptor); } /* RX USART Callback */ void usartRXCallback(uint16_t bytesToRead) { uint16_t dest = 0; /* Read RX buffer from HAL */ READ_USART(&appUsartDescriptor,rxBuffer,bytesToRead); if(get_serial_ota_mode() == 1) { if(get_uid() == 0) dest = get_serial_ota_EDaddr(); else dest = 0; network_send_buffer_over_zb(dest,rxBuffer,bytesToRead); } else { switch(rxBuffer[0]) { case 'o': /* Increase servo 1 angle */ uprintf("SERVO_1 = %d\r\n",servo_angle_increase(SERVO_1)); break; case 'l': /* Decrease servo 1 angle */ uprintf("SERVO_1 = %d\r\n",servo_angle_decrease(SERVO_1)); break; case 'p': /* Increase servo 2 angle */ uprintf("SERVO_2 = %d\r\n",servo_angle_increase(SERVO_2)); break; case 'm': /* Decrease servo 2 angle */ uprintf("SERVO_2 = %d\r\n",servo_angle_decrease(SERVO_2)); break; case 'a': uprintf("CodeWheel Value = %d\r\n",codewheel_get_value()); break; case 'd': debug_start_stop_task(); break; case 'z': codewheel_reset(); break; case 'c': calibration_start_stop_task(); break; case 'q': calibration_set_laser_flag(SET_SERVO_1); break; case 's': calibration_set_laser_flag(SET_SERVO_2); break; case 'r': reset_avr(); break; case 't': motor_start_stop_control(); break; case 'j': jack_on_off(); break; case '0': // network_send_data(NETWORK_RESET,0x1); network_send_reset(0xFFFF); break; case '1': // network_send_data(NETWORK_RESET,0x1); network_send_start_calibration(); break; case 'w': motor_set_target_speed(motor_get_target_speed()-1); uprintf("target speed = %d\r\n",motor_get_target_speed()); break; case 'x': motor_set_target_speed(motor_get_target_speed()+1); uprintf("target speed = %d\r\n",motor_get_target_speed()); break; case 'v': servo_start_wave_task(); break; case 'f': if(debug_network_enable == 1) { debug_network_enable = 0; debug_network = 0; } else { debug_network_enable = 1; debug_network = 1; } break; /* Default */ default : uprintf(" ?? Unknown command ??\r\n"); break; } } } /* This function starts the debug task */ void debug_start_stop_task(void) { static bool debug_task_running = 0; if(debug_task_running == 0) { debugTimer.interval = DEBUG_TASK_PERIOD; debugTimer.mode = TIMER_REPEAT_MODE; debugTimer.callback = debug_task; HAL_StartAppTimer(&debugTimer); debug_task_running = 1; } else { HAL_StopAppTimer(&debugTimer); debug_task_running = 0; } } /* Debug task callback */ void debug_task(void) { uprintf("------------------------- debug TASK -------------------------\r\n"); uprintf("## Network\r\n"); uprintf("Status : 0x%x - ",network_get_state()); if(get_uid() == 0) { uprintf("Beacon[1] = %f --- ",position_get_beacon_angle(POV_BEACON_1)); uprintf("Beacon[2] = %f --- ",position_get_beacon_angle(POV_BEACON_2)); uprintf("Beacon[3] = %f --- ",position_get_beacon_angle(POV_BEACON_3)); uprintf("X = %d --- ",position_get_coord(OPPONENT_1,X)); uprintf("Y = %d --- ",position_get_coord(OPPONENT_1,Y)); uprintf("Trust = %d\r\n",position_get_trust(OPPONENT_1)); } else { uprintf("## Calibration\r\n"); uprintf("State : %d\r\n",calibration_get_state()); uprintf("## Servo\r\n"); uprintf("State : [1]=%d [2]=%d - ",servo_get_state(SERVO_1),servo_get_state(SERVO_2)); uprintf("Value : [1]=%d [2]=%d\r\n",servo_get_value(SERVO_1),servo_get_value(SERVO_2)); uprintf("## Codewheel\r\n"); uprintf("State = %d - Raw = %d - Degree = %f\r\n",codewheel_get_state(),codewheel_get_value(),codewheel_convert_angle_raw2degrees(codewheel_get_value())); uprintf("## Motor\r\n"); uprintf("State : %d ---- speed = %d\r\n",motor_get_state(),OCR0A); } }