/* calibration.c */ /* Beacon servomotor calibration. {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Florent Duchon * * APBTeam: * Web: http://apbteam.org/ * Email: team AT apbteam DOT org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include #include "print.h" #include "calibration.h" #include "servo.h" #include "motor.h" #include "codewheel.h" #include "buttons.h" HAL_AppTimer_t calibrationTimer; // TIMER descripor used by the calibration task HAL_AppTimer_t ManualcalibrationTimer; // TIMER descripor used by the manual calibration task calibration_s calibration; /* This function iniatializes the calibration structure*/ void calibration_init_structure(void) { /* Calibration initial values */ calibration.state = CALIBRATION_INIT; calibration.laser_flag = CLEAR; } /* This function starts the calibration task */ void calibration_start_manual_task(void) { calibrationTimer.interval = CALIBRATION_MANUAL_PERIOD; calibrationTimer.mode = TIMER_REPEAT_MODE; calibrationTimer.callback = calibration_manual_task; HAL_StartAppTimer(&calibrationTimer); } /* This function starts the calibration task */ void calibration_start_task(void) { calibration.state = CALIBRATION_INIT; calibrationTimer.interval = CALIBRATION_FAST_TASK_PERIOD; calibrationTimer.mode = TIMER_REPEAT_MODE; calibrationTimer.callback = calibration_task; calibration_init_structure(); servo_structure_init(); motor_start(); HAL_StartAppTimer(&calibrationTimer); } /* This function stops the calibration task */ void calibration_stop_task(void) { HAL_StopAppTimer(&calibrationTimer); motor_stop(); } /* This function starts or stops the calibration task depending on the current state */ void calibration_start_stop_task(void) { if(calibration_get_state() != CALIBRATION_INIT) { calibration_stop_task(); calibration.state = SCANNING_STATE_CALIBRATED; } else { calibration_start_task(); } } /* This function restarts the calibration task changing its frequency */ void calibration_change_task_frequency(uint32_t frequency) { HAL_StopAppTimer(&calibrationTimer); calibrationTimer.interval = frequency; calibrationTimer.mode = TIMER_REPEAT_MODE; calibrationTimer.callback = calibration_task; HAL_StartAppTimer(&calibrationTimer); } /* Calibration task is used to calibrated the servo motors in order to run the laser parallel to the table */ void calibration_task(void) { TServo_ID servo; /* Select which servo need to be calibrated */ if(servo_get_state(SERVO_1) == servo_get_state(SERVO_2)) servo = SERVO_1; else servo = SERVO_2; switch(calibration.state) { case CALIBRATION_INIT: /* Go directly to next step */ calibration.state = CALIBRATION_SLOW_SCANNING; uprintf("calibration init done \r\n"); break; case CALIBRATION_FAST_SCANNING: /* Check if the laser catchs something */ if(calibration_get_laser_flag() == servo) { /* Clear the laser flag */ calibration_set_laser_flag(CLEAR); /* Laser detected the aim, reset the servo with the previous value and update the servo status */ servo_set_value(servo,servo_get_value(servo) - servo_get_scanning_sense(servo)*FAST_SCANNING_OFFSET); servo_set_state(servo,SERVO_SCANNING_FAST_FINISHED); uprintf("servo[%d] FAST finished\r\n",servo); if((servo_get_state(SERVO_1) == SERVO_SCANNING_FAST_FINISHED) && (servo_get_state(SERVO_2) == SERVO_SCANNING_FAST_FINISHED)) { /* If both servo have finished FAST SCANNING go to SLOW SCANNING state */ calibration.state = CALIBRATION_SLOW_SCANNING; /* For better accuracy change task frequency for SLOW SCANNING */ calibration_change_task_frequency(CALIBRATION_SLOW_TASK_PERIOD); } } else { /* Nothing appended, update the state and continue scanning */ servo_set_state(servo,SERVO_SCANNING_FAST_IN_PROGRESS); calibration_scanning(servo); } break; case CALIBRATION_SLOW_SCANNING: /* Check if the laser catched something */ if(calibration_get_laser_flag() == servo) { /* Clear the laser flag */ calibration_set_laser_flag(CLEAR); /* Laser detected the aim, reset the servo with the previous value and update the servo status */ servo_set_value(servo,servo_get_value(servo) + servo_get_scanning_sense(servo)*9); servo_set_state(servo,SERVO_SCANNING_SLOW_FINISHED); uprintf("servo[%d] SLOW finished\r\n",servo); if((servo_get_state(SERVO_1) == SERVO_SCANNING_SLOW_FINISHED) && (servo_get_state(SERVO_2) == SERVO_SCANNING_SLOW_FINISHED)) { /* If both servo have finished FAST SCANNING go to SLOW SCANNING state */ calibration.state = SCANNING_STATE_CALIBRATED; #ifdef LOL_NUMBER_1 codewheel_set_rebase_offset(496); servo_set_value(SERVO_1,servo_get_value(SERVO_1) + servo_get_scanning_sense(SERVO_1)*8); #elif LOL_NUMBER_2 codewheel_set_rebase_offset(3); servo_set_value(SERVO_2,servo_get_value(SERVO_2) + servo_get_scanning_sense(SERVO_2)*8); #elif LOL_NUMBER_3 codewheel_set_rebase_offset(CODEWHEEL_CPR*3/4); #endif codewheel_set_state(CODEWHEEL_REQUEST_REBASE); } } else { /* Nothing appended, update the state and continue scanning */ calibration_scanning(servo); servo_set_state(servo,SERVO_SCANNING_SLOW_IN_PROGRESS); } break; case SCANNING_STATE_CALIBRATED: calibration_stop_task(); break; default: break; } } /* This function drives the defined servo motor in order to scan verticaly */ void calibration_scanning(TServo_ID servo_id) { uint16_t next_value = 0; uint16_t current_value = 0; /* Compute next value to set to the servo */ next_value = servo_get_value(servo_id) + servo_get_scanning_sense(servo_id)*SCANNING_STEP; /* Set it and check the return value in order to inverse the sense MIN or MAX is reached */ current_value = servo_set_value(servo_id,next_value); if((current_value <= SERVO_ANGLE_MIN) || (current_value >= SERVO_ANGLE_MAX)) { servo_inverse_scanning_sense(servo_id); } } /* This function sets the laser flag according the given value SET or CLEAR */ void calibration_set_laser_flag(TLaser_flag_type value) { calibration.laser_flag = value; } /* This function returns the laser flag */ TLaser_flag_type calibration_get_laser_flag(void) { return calibration.laser_flag; } /* This function returns the calibration state */ TCalibration_state calibration_get_state(void) { return calibration.state; } /* Manual calibration task */ void calibration_manual_task(void) { if(button_get_state(1) == BUTTON_PRESSED) servo_angle_increase(SERVO_1); if(button_get_state(2) == BUTTON_PRESSED) servo_angle_decrease(SERVO_1); if(button_get_state(3) == BUTTON_PRESSED) servo_angle_increase(SERVO_2); if(button_get_state(4) == BUTTON_PRESSED) servo_angle_decrease(SERVO_2); }