AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-09-13Added encoders model.Nicolas Schodet
2007-09-09Added HE14 connectors library and device creation ULP script.Nicolas Schodet
2007-08-24Added PCB design document.Nicolas Schodet
2007-08-06Added Xilinx CPLD XC9572 PLCC44.Nicolas Schodet
2007-08-06Added MicroMaTch connector with SMD versions.Nicolas Schodet
2007-08-06Added encoder computations to choose between different decoding solutions.Nicolas Schodet
2007-08-06Added motor models.Nicolas Schodet
2007-08-01Added encoder documentation.Nicolas Schodet
2007-08-01Added xilinx project for CPLD synthesis.Nicolas Schodet
2007-08-01Fixed switch operand sizes in quad_decoder_div4.Nicolas Schodet
2007-07-30Added development tree quality manual.Nicolas Schodet
2007-07-30Added guidelines to use SVK with the SVN repository.Nicolas Schodet
2007-06-30Added hdlcounter for CPLD.Nicolas Schodet
2007-05-31Created base root structure.Nicolas Schodet