path: root/mechanical/motors/mesures-si2e-2007/m.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mechanical/motors/mesures-si2e-2007/m.m')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mechanical/motors/mesures-si2e-2007/m.m b/mechanical/motors/mesures-si2e-2007/m.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70bfafdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mechanical/motors/mesures-si2e-2007/m.m
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% Plot or return matrix from a file.
+function [rt, rx, rs, ra] = m (file, f)
+ tres = 65536/14745600;
+ cres = 2/75.78 / 1000;
+ % Load file.
+ eval (sprintf ("x = load %s;", file));
+ % Make time vector.
+ t = 0:tres:tres * (length (x) -1);
+ % Split and scale.
+ x *= cres;
+ s = x(:, 3:4);
+ a = x(:, 5:6);
+ x(:, 3:6) = [];
+ s *= 1/tres;
+ a *= 1/(tres^2);
+ % The optional argument override the filter factor.
+ if (nargin == 1)
+ % A little bit aggressive...
+ f = 50;
+ end
+ if (f != 0)
+ a(:, 1) = filter (ones (1, f), [f], a(:, 1));
+ a(:, 2) = filter (ones (1, f), [f], a(:, 2));
+ end
+ % Plot if no output asked.
+ if (nargout == 0)
+ multiplot (3, 1);
+ mplot (t, x(:, 1), ";xl;", t, x(:, 2), ";xr;");
+ mplot (t, s(:, 1), ";sl;", t, s(:, 2), ";sr;");
+ mplot (t, a(:, 1), ";al;", t, a(:, 2), ";ar;");
+ oneplot ();
+ else
+ rt = t;
+ rx = x;
+ rs = s;
+ ra = a;
+ end