path: root/digital/ucoolib/build/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'digital/ucoolib/build/')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/digital/ucoolib/build/ b/digital/ucoolib/build/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d035047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/digital/ucoolib/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# ucoolib - Microcontroller object oriented library.
+# Arch specific makefiles can use macros in this file to factorize build
+# system code.
+# Define standard commands.
+define arch_cmds
+$1_CC := $$($1_PREFIX)gcc
+$1_CXX := $$($1_PREFIX)g++
+$1_OBJCOPY := $$($1_PREFIX)objcopy
+$1_OBJDUMP := $$($1_PREFIX)objdump
+$1_SIZE := $$($1_PREFIX)size
+$1_COMPILE.c := $$($1_CC) $$($1_CFLAGS) $$($1_CPPFLAGS) -c
+$ := $$($1_CXX) $$($1_CXXFLAGS) $$($1_CPPFLAGS) -c
+$1_COMPILE.S := $$($1_CC) $$($1_ASFLAGS) $$($1_CPPFLAGS) -c
+$1_LINK.c := $$($1_CC) $$($1_CFLAGS) $$($1_LDFLAGS)
+$ := $$($1_CXX) $$($1_CXXFLAGS) $$($1_LDFLAGS)
+# Define build rules.
+define arch_build_rules
+$1_PROGS += $$(PROGS)
+$1_ELFS := $$($1_PROGS:%=%.$1$$($1_ELF_SUFFIX))
+all: all.$1
+elf: elf.$1
+.PHONY: all.$1 elf.$1
+all.$1: elf.$1
+elf.$1: $$($1_ELFS)
+define $1_PROG_template
+$$1.$1$$$$($1_ELF_SUFFIX): $$$$(patsubst %,$$(OBJDIR)/%.$1.o,\
+ $$$$(call filter_sources,$1,$$$$($$1_SOURCES)))
+ @echo "LINK [$1] $$$$@: $$$$(notdir $$$$^)"
+ $$$$Q$$$$($1_LINK.$$(call iscxx,$$($$1_SOURCES))) $$$$^ $$$$($1_LDLIBS) -o $$$$@
+$$(foreach prog,$$($1_PROGS),$$(eval $$(call $1_PROG_template,$$(prog))))
+$$(OBJDIR)/%.$1.o: %.c $$(COMPILE_DEPS) | $$(OBJDIR)
+ @echo "CC [$1] $$<"
+ $$Q$$($1_COMPILE.c) -o $$@ $$<
+$$(OBJDIR)/%.$1.o: $$(COMPILE_DEPS) | $$(OBJDIR)
+ @echo "CXX [$1] $$<"
+ $$Q$$($ -o $$@ $$<
+$$(OBJDIR)/%.$1.o: %.S $$(COMPILE_DEPS) | $$(OBJDIR)
+ @echo "AS [$1] $$<"
+ $$Q$$($1_COMPILE.S) -o $$@ $$<
+# Dependency checking.
+-include $$(patsubst %,$$(OBJDIR)/%.$1.d,$$(call filter_sources,$1,$$(ALL_SOURCES)))
+# Define listing rules.
+define arch_lst_rules
+lst: lst.$1
+.PHONY: lst.$1
+lst.$1: $$($1_PROGS:%=%.$1.lst)
+%.$1.lst: %.$1.elf
+ @echo "LST [$1] $$<"
+ $$Q$$($1_OBJDUMP) -h -S $$< > $$@
+$1_EXTRA_CLEAN += $$($1_PROGS:%=%.$1.lst)
+# Define size report rules.
+define arch_size_rules
+size: size.$1
+all.$1: size.$1
+.PHONY: size.$1
+size.$1: $$($1_ELFS)
+ $Q$$($1_SIZE) $$^
+# Define miscellaneous rules.
+define arch_misc_rules
+.PHONY: clean.$1
+clean: clean.$1
+ rm -f $$(OBJDIR)/*.$1.[od] $$($1_ELFS) $$($1_EXTRA_CLEAN)