[[!comment format=mdwn username="david" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/22c2d800db6a7699139df604a67cb221" subject="comment 5" date="2020-08-22T20:13:07Z" content=""" In answer to my own question, it's not related to the content. Here we can see a PrivFile has content: [[!format text \"\"\" ╭─ convex:~/.propellor ╰─ (git)-[master]-% propellor --dump 'PrivFile \"/root/foo\"' 'any' [2020-08-22 16:57:32 ADT] command line: Dump (PrivFile \"/root/foo\") (Context \"any\") [2020-08-22 16:57:32 ADT] read: git [\"config\",\"gpg.program\"] [2020-08-22 16:57:32 ADT] process done ExitFailure 1 [2020-08-22 16:57:32 ADT] chat: gpg [\"--decrypt\",\"privdata/privdata.gpg\"] gpg: encrypted with 4096-bit RSA key, ID 70E3C0DE87068451, created 2019-06-08 \"David Bremner \" [2020-08-22 16:57:33 ADT] process done ExitSuccess sekrit \"\"\"]] On the other hand, when running `propellor --spin convex.local` I get [[!format text \"\"\" ** warning: Missing privdata PrivFile \"/root/foo\" (for any) Fix this by running: propellor --set 'PrivFile \"/root/foo\"' 'any' \ < /root/foo \"\"\"]] I tried with a different workstation, spinning itself, and the same machine as above (\"convex\"), with the same results. """]]