path: root/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/math.h
diff options
authorNicolas Schodet2010-06-13 17:49:42 +0200
committerNicolas Schodet2010-08-19 23:24:12 +0200
commit495cc1df494505378977995eeb76b05f20f0b235 (patch)
treef7c52ae59cad0e96f1aff1736d31cb8624676812 /AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/math.h
parentba78bd9ba834260d035a9830726afc34fdad2a15 (diff)
import firmware from LEGO v1.29lego-1.29lego
Diffstat (limited to 'AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/math.h')
1 files changed, 647 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/math.h b/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/math.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7c647f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/math.h
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+/* math.h standard header */
+#ifndef _MATH
+#define _MATH
+#ifndef _SYSTEM_BUILD
+ #pragma system_include
+#ifndef _YMATH
+ #include <ymath.h>
+ /* MACROS */
+#define HUGE_VAL _CSTD _Hugeval._Double
+ #define HUGE_VALF _CSTD _FHugeval._Float
+ #define HUGE_VALL _CSTD _LHugeval._Long_Double
+ #define INFINITY (0.Infinity)
+ #define NAN (0.NaN)
+ /* typedefs */
+ typedef float float_t;
+ typedef double double_t;
+#endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
+ /* double declarations */
+__INTRINSIC double acos(double);
+__INTRINSIC double asin(double);
+__INTRINSIC double atan(double);
+__INTRINSIC double atan2(double, double);
+__INTRINSIC double ceil(double);
+__INTRINSIC double exp(double);
+__INTRINSIC double fabs(double);
+__INTRINSIC double floor(double);
+__INTRINSIC double fmod(double, double);
+__INTRINSIC double frexp(double, int *);
+__INTRINSIC double ldexp(double, int);
+__INTRINSIC double modf(double, double *);
+__INTRINSIC double pow(double, double);
+__INTRINSIC double sqrt(double);
+__INTRINSIC double tan(double);
+__INTRINSIC double tanh(double);
+__INTRINSIC double cos(double);
+__INTRINSIC double cosh(double);
+__INTRINSIC double log(double);
+__INTRINSIC double log10(double);
+__INTRINSIC double sin(double);
+__INTRINSIC double sinh(double);
+ /* float declarations */
+ __INTRINSIC float acosf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float asinf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float atanf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float atan2f(float, float);
+ __INTRINSIC float ceilf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float expf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float fabsf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float floorf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float fmodf(float, float);
+ __INTRINSIC float frexpf(float, int *);
+ __INTRINSIC float ldexpf(float, int);
+ __INTRINSIC float modff(float, float *);
+ __INTRINSIC float powf(float, float);
+ __INTRINSIC float sqrtf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float tanf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float tanhf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float cosf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float coshf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float logf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float log10f(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float sinf(float);
+ __INTRINSIC float sinhf(float);
+ /* long double declarations */
+ __INTRINSIC long double acosl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double asinl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double atanl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double atan2l(long double, long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double ceill(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double expl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double fabsl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double floorl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double fmodl(long double, long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double frexpl(long double, int *);
+ __INTRINSIC long double ldexpl(long double, int);
+ __INTRINSIC long double modfl(long double, long double *);
+ __INTRINSIC long double powl(long double, long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double sqrtl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double tanl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double tanhl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double cosl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double coshl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double logl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double log10l(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double sinl(long double);
+ __INTRINSIC long double sinhl(long double);
+#endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
+ /* double INLINES, FOR C and C++ */
+ #pragma inline
+ double cos(double _X)
+ { /* return cosine */
+ return (_Sin(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ double cosh(double _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic cosine */
+ return (_Cosh(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ double log(double _X)
+ { /* return natural logarithm */
+ return (_Log(_X, 0));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ double log10(double _X)
+ { /* return base-10 logarithm */
+ return (_Log(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ double sin(double _X)
+ { /* return sine */
+ return (_Sin(_X, 0));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ double sinh(double _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic sine */
+ return (_Sinh(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ inline double abs(double _X) /* OVERLOADS */
+ { /* return absolute value */
+ return (fabs(_X));
+ }
+ inline double pow(double _X, int _Y)
+ { /* raise to integer power */
+ unsigned int _N = _Y;
+ if (_Y < 0)
+ _N = 0 - _N;
+ for (double _Z = 1; ; _X *= _X)
+ {
+ if ((_N & 1) != 0)
+ _Z *= _X;
+ if ((_N >>= 1) == 0)
+ return (_Y < 0 ? (double)(1) / _Z : _Z);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* __cplusplus */
+ /* float INLINES, FOR C and C++ */
+ #pragma inline
+ float cosf(float _X)
+ { /* return cosine */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Sin)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ float coshf(float _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic cosine */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Cosh)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ float logf(float _X)
+ { /* return natural logarithm */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Log)(_X, 0));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ float log10f(float _X)
+ { /* return base-10 logarithm */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Log)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ float sinf(float _X)
+ { /* return sine */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Sin)(_X, 0));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ float sinhf(float _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic sine */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Sinh)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ inline float abs(float _X) /* OVERLOADS */
+ { /* return absolute value */
+ return (_F_FUN(fabs)(_X));
+ }
+ inline float acos(float _X)
+ { /* return arccosine */
+ return (_F_FUN(acos)(_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline float asin(float _X)
+ { /* return arcsine */
+ return (_F_FUN(asin)(_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline float atan(float _X)
+ { /* return arctangent */
+ return (_F_FUN(atan)(_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline float atan2(float _Y, float _X)
+ { /* return arctangent */
+ return (_F_FUN(atan2)(_F_CAST _Y,_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline float ceil(float _X)
+ { /* return ceiling */
+ return (_F_FUN(ceil)(_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline float cos(float _X)
+ { /* return cosine */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Sin)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ inline float cosh(float _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic cosine */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Cosh)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ inline float exp(float _X)
+ { /* return exponential */
+ return (_F_FUN(exp)(_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline float fabs(float _X)
+ { /* return absolute value */
+ return (_F_FUN(fabs)(_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline float floor(float _X)
+ { /* return floor */
+ return (_F_FUN(floor)(_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline float fmod(float _X, float _Y)
+ { /* return modulus */
+ return (_F_FUN(fmod)(_F_CAST _X,_F_CAST _Y));
+ }
+ inline float frexp(float _X, int *_Y)
+ { /* unpack exponent */
+ return (_F_FUN(frexp)(_F_CAST _X, _Y));
+ }
+ inline float ldexp(float _X, int _Y)
+ { /* pack exponent */
+ return (_F_FUN(ldexp)(_F_CAST _X, _Y));
+ }
+ inline float log(float _X)
+ { /* return natural logarithm */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Log)(_X, 0));
+ }
+ inline float log10(float _X)
+ { /* return base-10 logarithm */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Log)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ inline float modf(float _X, float *_Y)
+ { /* unpack fraction */
+ return (_F_FUN(modf)(_F_CAST _X,_F_PTRCAST _Y));
+ }
+ inline float pow(float _X, float _Y)
+ { /* raise to power */
+ return (_F_FUN(pow)(_F_CAST _X,_F_CAST _Y));
+ }
+ inline float pow(float _X, int _Y)
+ { /* raise to integer power */
+ return (float) pow((double) _X, _Y);
+ #else
+ unsigned int _N = _Y;
+ if (_Y < 0)
+ _N = 0 - _N;
+ for (float _Z = 1; ; _X *= _X)
+ {
+ if ((_N & 1) != 0)
+ _Z *= _X;
+ if ((_N >>= 1) == 0)
+ return (_Y < 0 ? (float)(1) / _Z : _Z);
+ }
+ #endif /* _FLOAT_IS_DOUBLE */
+ }
+ inline float sin(float _X)
+ { /* return sine */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Sin)(_X, 0));
+ }
+ inline float sinh(float _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic sine */
+ return (_F_FNAME(Sinh)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ inline float sqrt(float _X)
+ { /* return square root */
+ return (_F_FUN(sqrt)(_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline float tan(float _X)
+ { /* return tangent */
+ return (_F_FUN(tan)(_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline float tanh(float _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic tangent */
+ return (_F_FUN(tanh)(_F_CAST _X));
+ }
+ #endif /* __cplusplus */
+ /* long double INLINES, FOR C and C++ */
+ #pragma inline
+ long double cosl(long double _X)
+ { /* return cosine */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Sin)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ long double coshl(long double _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic cosine */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Cosh)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ long double logl(long double _X)
+ { /* return natural logarithm */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Log)(_X, 0));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ long double log10l(long double _X)
+ { /* return base-10 logarithm */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Log)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ long double sinl(long double _X)
+ { /* return sine */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Sin)(_X, 0));
+ }
+ #pragma inline
+ long double sinhl(long double _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic sine */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Sinh)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ #endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ inline long double abs(long double _X) /* OVERLOADS */
+ { /* return absolute value */
+ return (_L_FUN(fabs)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double acos(long double _X)
+ { /* return arccosine */
+ return (_L_FUN(acos)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double asin(long double _X)
+ { /* return arcsine */
+ return (_L_FUN(asin)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double atan(long double _X)
+ { /* return arctangent */
+ return (_L_FUN(atan)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double atan2(long double _Y, long double _X)
+ { /* return arctangent */
+ return (_L_FUN(atan2)(_L_CAST _Y, _L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double ceil(long double _X)
+ { /* return ceiling */
+ return (_L_FUN(ceil)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double cos(long double _X)
+ { /* return cosine */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Sin)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ inline long double cosh(long double _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic cosine */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Cosh)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ inline long double exp(long double _X)
+ { /* return exponential */
+ return (_L_FUN(exp)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double fabs(long double _X)
+ { /* return absolute value */
+ return (_L_FUN(fabs)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double floor(long double _X)
+ { /* return floor */
+ return (_L_FUN(floor)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double fmod(long double _X, long double _Y)
+ { /* return modulus */
+ return (_L_FUN(fmod)(_L_CAST _X,_L_CAST _Y));
+ }
+ inline long double frexp(long double _X, int *_Y)
+ { /* unpack exponent */
+ return (_L_FUN(frexp)(_L_CAST _X, _Y));
+ }
+ inline long double ldexp(long double _X, int _Y)
+ { /* pack exponent */
+ return (_L_FUN(ldexp)(_L_CAST _X, _Y));
+ }
+ inline long double log(long double _X)
+ { /* return natural logarithm */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Log)(_X, 0));
+ }
+ inline long double log10(long double _X)
+ { /* return base-10 logarithm */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Log)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ inline long double modf(long double _X, long double *_Y)
+ { /* unpack fraction */
+ return (_L_FUN(modf)(_L_CAST _X, _L_PTRCAST _Y));
+ }
+ inline long double pow(long double _X, long double _Y)
+ { /* raise to power */
+ return (_L_FUN(pow)(_L_CAST _X, _L_CAST _Y));
+ }
+ inline long double pow(long double _X, int _Y)
+ { /* raise to integer power */
+ return (long double) pow((double) _X, _Y);
+ #else
+ unsigned int _N = _Y;
+ if (_Y < 0)
+ _N = 0 - _N;
+ for (long double _Z = 1; ; _X *= _X)
+ {
+ if ((_N & 1) != 0)
+ _Z *= _X;
+ if ((_N >>= 1) == 0)
+ return (_Y < 0 ? (long double)(1) / _Z : _Z);
+ }
+ #endif /* _LONG_DOUBLE_IS_DOUBLE */
+ }
+ inline long double sin(long double _X)
+ { /* return sine */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Sin)(_X, 0));
+ }
+ inline long double sinh(long double _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic sine */
+ return (_L_FNAME(Sinh)(_X, 1));
+ }
+ inline long double sqrt(long double _X)
+ { /* return square root */
+ return (_L_FUN(sqrt)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double tan(long double _X)
+ { /* return tangent */
+ return (_L_FUN(tan)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ inline long double tanh(long double _X)
+ { /* return hyperbolic tangent */
+ return (_L_FUN(tanh)(_L_CAST _X));
+ }
+ #endif /* __cplusplus */
+#if 0
+/* C99 floating point functionality */
+Fyll i
+ #define FP_ILOGB0
+ #define FP_ILOGBNAN
+ #define MATH_ERRNO 1
+ #define MATH_ERREXCEPT 2
+ #define math_errhandling MATH_ERRNO
+ #define FP_NAN _NANCODE
+ #define FP_ZERO 0
+ #error "Must add long double handling to the macros below"
+ #endif
+ #define fpclassify(x) \
+ (sizeof(x) == __DOUBLE_SIZE__ ? __fpclassifyd(x) : __fpclassifyf(x))
+ #pragma inline
+ int __fpclassifyd(double x)
+ {
+ return Dtest(x);
+ }
+ #ifndef _FLOAT_IS_DOUBLE
+ #pragma inline
+ int __fpclassifyf(float x)
+ {
+ return _F_FNAME(Dtest)(x);
+ }
+ #endif /* _FLOAT_IS_DOUBLE */
+ #define isfinite(x) __isfinite(fpclassify(x))
+ #pragma inline
+ int __isfinite(int x)
+ {
+ return x == FP_ZERO || x == FP_NORMAL || x == FP_SUBNORMAL;
+ }
+ #define isinf(x) (fpclassify(x) == FP_INFINITE)
+ #define isnan(x) (fpclassify(x) == FP_NAN)
+ #define isnormal(x) (fpclassify(x) == FP_NORMAL)
+ #define signbit(x) \
+ (sizeof(x) == __DOUBLE_SIZE__ ? __signbitd(x) : __signbitf(x))
+ #include "xxtd.h"
+ #pragma inline
+ int __signbitd(double x)
+ {
+ unsigned short *ps = (unsigned short *)&px;
+ return ((ps[_X0] & _XSIGN) == _XSIGN;
+ }
+ #include "xxtdundef.h"
+ #ifndef _FLOAT_IS_DOUBLE
+ #include "xxtf.h"
+ #pragma inline
+ int __signbitf(float x)
+ {
+ unsigned short *ps = (unsigned short *)&px;
+ return (ps[_X0] & _XSIGN) == _XSIGN;
+ }
+ #include "xxtfundef.h"
+ #endif /* _FLOAT_IS_DOUBLE */
+#endif /* 0 */
+#endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
+#if defined(_STD_USING) && defined(__cplusplus)
+ using _CSTD abs;
+ using _CSTD acos; using _CSTD asin;
+ using _CSTD atan; using _CSTD atan2; using _CSTD ceil;
+ using _CSTD cos; using _CSTD cosh; using _CSTD exp;
+ using _CSTD fabs; using _CSTD floor; using _CSTD fmod;
+ using _CSTD frexp; using _CSTD ldexp; using _CSTD log;
+ using _CSTD log10; using _CSTD modf; using _CSTD pow;
+ using _CSTD sin; using _CSTD sinh; using _CSTD sqrt;
+ using _CSTD tan; using _CSTD tanh;
+ using _CSTD acosf; using _CSTD asinf;
+ using _CSTD atanf; using _CSTD atan2f; using _CSTD ceilf;
+ using _CSTD cosf; using _CSTD coshf; using _CSTD expf;
+ using _CSTD fabsf; using _CSTD floorf; using _CSTD fmodf;
+ using _CSTD frexpf; using _CSTD ldexpf; using _CSTD logf;
+ using _CSTD log10f; using _CSTD modff; using _CSTD powf;
+ using _CSTD sinf; using _CSTD sinhf; using _CSTD sqrtf;
+ using _CSTD tanf; using _CSTD tanhf;
+ using _CSTD acosl; using _CSTD asinl;
+ using _CSTD atanl; using _CSTD atan2l; using _CSTD ceill;
+ using _CSTD cosl; using _CSTD coshl; using _CSTD expl;
+ using _CSTD fabsl; using _CSTD floorl; using _CSTD fmodl;
+ using _CSTD frexpl; using _CSTD ldexpl; using _CSTD logl;
+ using _CSTD log10l; using _CSTD modfl; using _CSTD powl;
+ using _CSTD sinl; using _CSTD sinhl; using _CSTD sqrtl;
+ using _CSTD tanl; using _CSTD tanhl;
+ #endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
+#endif /* defined(_STD_USING) && defined(__cplusplus) */
+#endif /* _MATH */
+ * Copyright (c) 1992-2002 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
+ * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
+V3.12:0576 */