# mimot - Mini motor control, with motor driver. {{{ # # Copyright (C) 2010 Nicolas Schodet # # APBTeam: # Web: http://apbteam.org/ # Email: team AT apbteam DOT org # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # }}} """Proto interface to mimot.""" import time import numpy import math import proto from utils.observable import Observable class Proto: """Provide functions to communicate with mimot using the proto interface.""" stats_format = { 'C': 'HH', 'S': 'bb', 'P': 'hhhh', 'W': 'hh', } # The last occuring stats will increment stats_count, so they have to # be in the same order than in mimot program. stats_order = 'CSPW' stats_items = { 'lc': ('C', 0), 'rc': ('C', 1), 'ts': ('S', 0), 'as': ('S', 1), 'te': ('P', 0), 'ti': ('P', 1), 'ae': ('P', 2), 'ai': ('P', 3), 'lw': ('W', 0), 'rw': ('W', 1), } _index = dict (t = ord ('t'), a = ord ('a')) class Position (Observable): """An observable position. To be used with register_pos. - pos: (x, y) millimeters. - angle: radian. """ def __init__ (self): Observable.__init__ (self) self.pos = None self.angle = None def handle (self, x, y, a): """Update position and notify observers.""" self.pos = (x, y) self.angle = a self.notify () def __init__ (self, file, time = time.time, **param): """Initialise communication and send parameters to asserv.""" self.proto = proto.Proto (file, time, 0.1) self.async = False self.mseq = 0 self.mseq_ack = 0 self.proto.register ('A', 'B', self.__handle_ack) def make_handle (s): return lambda *args: self.__handle_stats (s, *args) for (s, f) in self.stats_format.iteritems (): self.proto.register (s, f, make_handle (s)) self.stats_enabled = None self.param = dict ( scale = 1, tkp = 0, tki = 0, tkd = 0, ta = 1, tsm = 0, tss = 0, tbe = 2048, tbs = 0x10, tbc = 20, akp = 0, aki = 0, akd = 0, aa = 1, asm = 0, ass = 0, abe = 2048, abs = 0x10, abc = 20, E = 1023, I = 1023, D = 1023, c = 1, f = 0x1000, l = 0x2000, w = 0x00, ) self.param.update (param) self.send_param () def stats (self, *stats_items, **options): """Activate stats. Take a list of items to record, and an optional interval option.""" interval = 1 if 'interval' in options: interval = options['interval'] # Build list of stats letters. stats = [self.stats_items[i][0] for i in stats_items] stats = [s for s in self.stats_order if s in stats] stats_last_pos = 0 stats_pos = { } for s in stats: stats_pos[s] = stats_last_pos stats_last_pos += len (self.stats_format[s]) # Build stats item positions. self.stats_items_pos = [ ] for i in stats_items: id = self.stats_items[i] self.stats_items_pos.append (stats_pos[id[0]] + id[1]) # Enable stats. for s in stats: self.proto.send (s, 'B', interval) # Prepare aquisition. self.stats_enabled = stats self.stats_counter = stats[-1] self.stats_count = 0 self.stats_list = [ ] self.stats_line = [ ] def get_stats (self, wait = None): """Get recorded stats. Return an array with every requested stats.""" if wait: self.wait (wait) list = self.stats_list # Drop first line as it might be garbage. del list[0] for s in reversed (self.stats_enabled): self.proto.send (s, 'B', 0) # Extract asked stats. array = numpy.array (list) array = array[:, self.stats_items_pos] # Cleanup. self.stats_enabled = None del self.stats_items_pos del self.stats_counter del self.stats_count del self.stats_list del self.stats_line return array def consign (self, w, c): """Consign offset.""" if w == 't': self.proto.send ('c', 'hh', c, 0) elif w == 'a': self.proto.send ('c', 'hh', 0, c) else: raise IndexError def speed (self, w, s): """Speed consign.""" if w == 't': self.proto.send ('s', 'bb', s, 0) elif w == 'a': self.proto.send ('s', 'bb', 0, s) else: raise IndexError def speed_pos (self, w, offset): """Speed controlled position consign.""" if w == 't': self.mseq += 1 self.proto.send ('s', 'llB', self._dist (offset), 0, self.mseq) elif w == 'a': self.mseq += 1 self.proto.send ('s', 'llB', 0, self.dist (offset), self.mseq) else: raise IndexError self.wait (self.finished, auto = True) def speed_angle (self, w, angle): """Speed controlled angle consign.""" if w == 'a': self.mseq += 1 self.proto.send ('s', 'llB', 0, int (round (angle * self.param['f'])), self.mseq) else: raise IndexError self.wait (self.finished, auto = True) def set_pos (self, x = None, y = None, a = None): """Set current position.""" if x is not None: self.proto.send ('p', 'cl', 'X', self._dist_f248 (x)) if y is not None: self.proto.send ('p', 'cl', 'Y', self._dist_f248 (y)) if a is not None: self.proto.send ('p', 'cl', 'A', self._angle_f824 (a)) def goto (self, x, y, backward = False, revert_ok = False): """Go to position.""" self.mseq += 1 b = 0 if backward: b |= 1 if revert_ok: b |= 2 self.proto.send ('x', 'llBB', self._dist_f248 (x), self._dist_f248 (y), b, self.mseq) self.wait (self.finished, auto = True) def goto_angle (self, a): """Go to angle.""" self.mseq += 1 self.proto.send ('x', 'HB', self._angle_f16 (a), self.mseq) self.wait (self.finished, auto = True) def goto_xya (self, x, y, a, backward = False, revert_ok = False): """Go to position, then angle.""" self.mseq += 1 b = 0 if backward: b |= 1 if revert_ok: b |= 2 self.proto.send ('x', 'llHBB', self._dist_f248 (x), self._dist_f248 (y), self._angle_f16 (a), b, self.mseq) self.wait (self.finished, auto = True) def ftw (self, backward = True): """Go to the wall.""" self.mseq += 1 self.proto.send ('f', 'BB', backward and 1 or 0, self.mseq) self.wait (self.finished, auto = True) def set_simu_pos (self, x, y, a): """Set simulated position.""" self.proto.send ('h', 'chhh', 'X', int (round (x)), int (round (y)), int (round (a * 1024))) def register_pos (self, func = None, interval = 225 / 4): """Will call func each time a position is received. If no function is provided, use the Position observable object.""" if func is None: self.position = self.Position () self.pos_func = self.position.handle else: self.pos_func = func self.proto.register ('X', 'lll', self.__handle_pos) self.proto.send ('X', 'B', interval) def send_param (self): """Send all parameters.""" p = self.param def f88 (x): return int (round (x * (1 << 8))) def f824 (x): return int (round (x * (1 << 24))) for m in ('t', 'a'): index = self._index [m] self.proto.send ('p', 'cBH', 'p', index, f88 (p[m + 'kp'])) self.proto.send ('p', 'cBH', 'i', index, f88 (p[m + 'ki'])) self.proto.send ('p', 'cBH', 'd', index, f88 (p[m + 'kd'])) self.proto.send ('p', 'cBH', 'a', index, f88 (p[m + 'a'])) self.proto.send ('p', 'cBBB', 's', index, p[m + 'sm'], p[m + 'ss']) self.proto.send ('p', 'cBHHB', 'b', index, p[m + 'be'], p[m + 'bs'], p[m + 'bc']) self.proto.send ('p', 'cH', 'E', p['E']) self.proto.send ('p', 'cH', 'I', p['I']) self.proto.send ('p', 'cH', 'D', p['D']) self.proto.send ('p', 'cL', 'c', f824 (p['c'])) self.proto.send ('p', 'cH', 'f', p['f']) self.proto.send ('p', 'cH', 'l', p['l']) self.proto.send ('p', 'cB', 'w', p['w']) def write_eeprom (self): """Request an EEPROM write.""" self.proto.send ('p', 'cB', 'E', 1) time.sleep (1) self.wait (lambda: True) def __handle_stats (self, stat, *args): """Record received stats.""" if self.stats_enabled is not None: self.stats_line.extend (args) if self.stats_counter == stat: self.stats_list.append (self.stats_line) self.stats_line = [ ] self.stats_count += 1 def __handle_ack (self, mseq): """Record current acknowledge level and acknowledge reception.""" self.mseq_ack = mseq & 0x7f self.proto.send ('a', 'B', mseq) def __handle_pos (self, x, y, a): """Handle position report.""" x = x / 256 * self.param['scale'] y = y / 256 * self.param['scale'] a = a * 2 * math.pi / (1 << 24) self.pos_func (x, y, a) def wait (self, cond = None, auto = False): """Wait for a condition to become true, or for a number of recorded statistics. If auto is True, do not wait in asynchronous mode.""" if auto and self.async: return try: cond_count = int (cond) cond = lambda: self.stats_count > cond_count except TypeError: pass self.proto.wait (cond) def finished (self): """Return True if movement commands have been acknowledged.""" return self.mseq == self.mseq_ack def free (self): """Coast motors.""" self.proto.send ('w') def reset (self): """Coast all motors and reset asserv.""" self.proto.send ('w') self.proto.send ('z') self.proto.send ('z') def close (self): """Gracefully close communications.""" self.reset () self.wait (lambda: True) self.proto.file.close () def fileno (self): """Return fileno for select() calls.""" return self.proto.fileno () def _dist (self, d): return int (round (d / self.param['scale'])) def _dist_f248 (self, d): return int (round ((1 << 8) * d / self.param['scale'])) def _angle_f16 (self, a): return int (round ((1 << 16) * a / (2 * math.pi))) & 0xffff def _angle_f824 (self, a): return int (round ((1 << 24) * a / (2 * math.pi)))