path: root/flashstub/stm32l05x-nvm-prog-write.stub
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Diffstat (limited to 'flashstub/stm32l05x-nvm-prog-write.stub')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/flashstub/stm32l05x-nvm-prog-write.stub b/flashstub/stm32l05x-nvm-prog-write.stub
index 6fd661f..7ddbc81 100644
--- a/flashstub/stm32l05x-nvm-prog-write.stub
+++ b/flashstub/stm32l05x-nvm-prog-write.stub
@@ -1,201 +1,99 @@
-// stm32l05x-nvm-prog-write.o: file format elf32-littlearm
-// Disassembly of section .text:
-// 00000000 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write>:
-// ".word 0\n\t"
-// ".word 0\n\t"
-// ".word 0\n\t"
-// ".word 0\n\t"
-// ".word 0\n\t"
-// "0:");
- [0x0/2] = 0xe00a, // 0: e00a b.n 18 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x18>
- [0x2/2] = 0x46c0, // 2: 46c0 nop ; (mov r8, r8)
-// ...
-// #define Nvm(nvm) (*reinterpret_cast<STM32::NVM*>(nvm))
-// #define Info (*reinterpret_cast<stm32lx_nvm_stub_info*>(STM32Lx_STUB_INFO_PHYS))
-// namespace {
-// inline __attribute((always_inline)) bool unlock (STM32::NVM& nvm) {
-// nvm.pecr = STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_PELOCK; // Lock to guarantee unlock
- [0x18/2] = 0x2201, // 18: 2201 movs r2, #1
-// auto& nvm = Nvm (Info.nvm);
- [0x1a/2] = 0x4b2a, // 1a: 4b2a ldr r3, [pc, #168] ; (c4 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0xc4>)
- [0x1c/2] = 0x68d9, // 1c: 68d9 ldr r1, [r3, #12]
- [0x1e/2] = 0x604a, // 1e: 604a str r2, [r1, #4]
-// nvm.pkeyr = STM32::NVM::PKEY1;
- [0x20/2] = 0x4a29, // 20: 4a29 ldr r2, [pc, #164] ; (c8 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0xc8>)
- [0x22/2] = 0x60ca, // 22: 60ca str r2, [r1, #12]
-// nvm.pkeyr = STM32::NVM::PKEY2;
- [0x24/2] = 0x4a29, // 24: 4a29 ldr r2, [pc, #164] ; (cc <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0xcc>)
- [0x26/2] = 0x60ca, // 26: 60ca str r2, [r1, #12]
-// nvm.prgkeyr = STM32::NVM::PRGKEY1;
- [0x28/2] = 0x4a29, // 28: 4a29 ldr r2, [pc, #164] ; (d0 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0xd0>)
- [0x2a/2] = 0x610a, // 2a: 610a str r2, [r1, #16]
-// nvm.prgkeyr = STM32::NVM::PRGKEY2;
- [0x2c/2] = 0x4a29, // 2c: 4a29 ldr r2, [pc, #164] ; (d4 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0xd4>)
- [0x2e/2] = 0x610a, // 2e: 610a str r2, [r1, #16]
-// return !(nvm.pecr & STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_PRGLOCK);
- [0x30/2] = 0x684a, // 30: 684a ldr r2, [r1, #4]
-// if (!unlock (nvm))
- [0x32/2] = 0x0792, // 32: 0792 lsls r2, r2, #30
- [0x34/2] = 0xd502, // 34: d502 bpl.n 3c <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x3c>
-// }
-// inline __attribute((always_inline)) void lock (STM32::NVM& nvm) {
-// nvm.pecr = STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_PELOCK; }
- [0x36/2] = 0x2301, // 36: 2301 movs r3, #1
- [0x38/2] = 0x604b, // 38: 604b str r3, [r1, #4]
-// }
-// }
-// quit:
-// lock (nvm);
-// __asm volatile ("bkpt");
- [0x3a/2] = 0xbe00, // 3a: be00 bkpt 0x0000
-// auto& nvm = Nvm (Info.nvm);
-// if (!unlock (nvm))
-// goto quit;
-// nvm.sr = STM32Lx_NVM_SR_ERR_M; // Clear errors
- [0x3c/2] = 0x4826, // 3c: 4826 ldr r0, [pc, #152] ; (d8 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0xd8>)
- [0x3e/2] = 0x6188, // 3e: 6188 str r0, [r1, #24]
-// while (Info.size > 0) {
- [0x40/2] = 0x685d, // 40: 685d ldr r5, [r3, #4]
- [0x42/2] = 0x4e20, // 42: 4e20 ldr r6, [pc, #128] ; (c4 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0xc4>)
- [0x44/2] = 0x2d00, // 44: 2d00 cmp r5, #0
- [0x46/2] = 0xddf6, // 46: ddf6 ble.n 36 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x36>
-// // Either we're not half-page aligned or we have less than a half
-// // page to write
-// if (Info.size < Info.page_size/2
- [0x48/2] = 0x8a32, // 48: 8a32 ldrh r2, [r6, #16]
- [0x4a/2] = 0x0852, // 4a: 0852 lsrs r2, r2, #1
- [0x4c/2] = 0x1e54, // 4c: 1e54 subs r4, r2, #1
- [0x4e/2] = 0x4295, // 4e: 4295 cmp r5, r2
- [0x50/2] = 0xdb02, // 50: db02 blt.n 58 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x58>
-// || (reinterpret_cast<uint32_t> (Info.destination)
- [0x52/2] = 0x6837, // 52: 6837 ldr r7, [r6, #0]
- [0x54/2] = 0x4227, // 54: 4227 tst r7, r4
- [0x56/2] = 0xd01d, // 56: d01d beq.n 94 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x94>
-// & (Info.page_size/2 - 1))) {
-// nvm.pecr = (Info.options & OPT_STM32L1) ? 0
-// : STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_PROG; // Word programming
- [0x58/2] = 0x2602, // 58: 2602 movs r6, #2
-// // Either we're not half-page aligned or we have less than a half
-// // page to write
-// if (Info.size < Info.page_size/2
-// || (reinterpret_cast<uint32_t> (Info.destination)
-// & (Info.page_size/2 - 1))) {
-// nvm.pecr = (Info.options & OPT_STM32L1) ? 0
- [0x5a/2] = 0x8a5f, // 5a: 8a5f ldrh r7, [r3, #18]
-// : STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_PROG; // Word programming
- [0x5c/2] = 0x4037, // 5c: 4037 ands r7, r6
- [0x5e/2] = 0x427e, // 5e: 427e negs r6, r7
- [0x60/2] = 0x417e, // 60: 417e adcs r6, r7
- [0x62/2] = 0x00f6, // 62: 00f6 lsls r6, r6, #3
- [0x64/2] = 0x604e, // 64: 604e str r6, [r1, #4]
-// size_t c = Info.page_size/2
-// - (reinterpret_cast<uint32_t> (Info.destination)
-// & (Info.page_size/2 - 1));
- [0x66/2] = 0x681e, // 66: 681e ldr r6, [r3, #0]
- [0x68/2] = 0x4034, // 68: 4034 ands r4, r6
- [0x6a/2] = 0x1b12, // 6a: 1b12 subs r2, r2, r4
- [0x6c/2] = 0x42aa, // 6c: 42aa cmp r2, r5
- [0x6e/2] = 0xd900, // 6e: d900 bls.n 72 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x72>
- [0x70/2] = 0x1c2a, // 70: 1c2a adds r2, r5, #0
-// if (c > Info.size)
-// c = Info.size;
-// Info.size -= c;
- [0x72/2] = 0x1aad, // 72: 1aad subs r5, r5, r2
- [0x74/2] = 0x605d, // 74: 605d str r5, [r3, #4]
-// c /= 4;
- [0x76/2] = 0x0892, // 76: 0892 lsrs r2, r2, #2
-// while (c--) {
- [0x78/2] = 0x3a01, // 78: 3a01 subs r2, #1
- [0x7a/2] = 0xd3e1, // 7a: d3e1 bcc.n 40 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x40>
-// uint32_t v = *Info.source++;
- [0x7c/2] = 0x689c, // 7c: 689c ldr r4, [r3, #8]
- [0x7e/2] = 0x1d25, // 7e: 1d25 adds r5, r4, #4
- [0x80/2] = 0x609d, // 80: 609d str r5, [r3, #8]
- [0x82/2] = 0x6825, // 82: 6825 ldr r5, [r4, #0]
-// *Info.destination++ = v;
- [0x84/2] = 0x681c, // 84: 681c ldr r4, [r3, #0]
- [0x86/2] = 0x1d26, // 86: 1d26 adds r6, r4, #4
- [0x88/2] = 0x601e, // 88: 601e str r6, [r3, #0]
- [0x8a/2] = 0x6025, // 8a: 6025 str r5, [r4, #0]
-// if (nvm.sr & STM32Lx_NVM_SR_ERR_M)
- [0x8c/2] = 0x698c, // 8c: 698c ldr r4, [r1, #24]
- [0x8e/2] = 0x4204, // 8e: 4204 tst r4, r0
- [0x90/2] = 0xd0f2, // 90: d0f2 beq.n 78 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x78>
- [0x92/2] = 0xe7d0, // 92: e7d0 b.n 36 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x36>
-// goto quit;
-// }
-// }
-// // Or we are writing a half-page(s)
-// else {
-// nvm.pecr = STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_PROG | STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_FPRG; // Half-page prg
- [0x94/2] = 0x2481, // 94: 2481 movs r4, #129 ; 0x81
-// size_t c = Info.size & ~(Info.page_size/2 - 1);
- [0x96/2] = 0x4252, // 96: 4252 negs r2, r2
- [0x98/2] = 0x402a, // 98: 402a ands r2, r5
-// Info.size -= c;
- [0x9a/2] = 0x1aad, // 9a: 1aad subs r5, r5, r2
-// goto quit;
-// }
-// }
-// // Or we are writing a half-page(s)
-// else {
-// nvm.pecr = STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_PROG | STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_FPRG; // Half-page prg
- [0x9c/2] = 0x00e4, // 9c: 00e4 lsls r4, r4, #3
- [0x9e/2] = 0x604c, // 9e: 604c str r4, [r1, #4]
-// size_t c = Info.size & ~(Info.page_size/2 - 1);
-// Info.size -= c;
-// c /= 4;
- [0xa0/2] = 0x0892, // a0: 0892 lsrs r2, r2, #2
-// }
-// // Or we are writing a half-page(s)
-// else {
-// nvm.pecr = STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_PROG | STM32Lx_NVM_PECR_FPRG; // Half-page prg
-// size_t c = Info.size & ~(Info.page_size/2 - 1);
-// Info.size -= c;
- [0xa2/2] = 0x6075, // a2: 6075 str r5, [r6, #4]
-// c /= 4;
-// while (c--) {
- [0xa4/2] = 0x3a01, // a4: 3a01 subs r2, #1
- [0xa6/2] = 0xd308, // a6: d308 bcc.n ba <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0xba>
-// uint32_t v = *Info.source++;
- [0xa8/2] = 0x689c, // a8: 689c ldr r4, [r3, #8]
- [0xaa/2] = 0x1d25, // aa: 1d25 adds r5, r4, #4
- [0xac/2] = 0x609d, // ac: 609d str r5, [r3, #8]
- [0xae/2] = 0x6825, // ae: 6825 ldr r5, [r4, #0]
-// *Info.destination++ = v;
- [0xb0/2] = 0x681c, // b0: 681c ldr r4, [r3, #0]
- [0xb2/2] = 0x1d26, // b2: 1d26 adds r6, r4, #4
- [0xb4/2] = 0x601e, // b4: 601e str r6, [r3, #0]
- [0xb6/2] = 0x6025, // b6: 6025 str r5, [r4, #0]
- [0xb8/2] = 0xe7f4, // b8: e7f4 b.n a4 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0xa4>
-// }
-// if (nvm.sr & STM32Lx_NVM_SR_ERR_M)
- [0xba/2] = 0x698a, // ba: 698a ldr r2, [r1, #24]
- [0xbc/2] = 0x4202, // bc: 4202 tst r2, r0
- [0xbe/2] = 0xd0bf, // be: d0bf beq.n 40 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x40>
- [0xc0/2] = 0xe7b9, // c0: e7b9 b.n 36 <stm32l05x_nvm_prog_write+0x36>
- [0xc2/2] = 0x46c0, // c2: 46c0 nop ; (mov r8, r8)
- [0xc4/2] = 0x0004, // c4: 20000004 .word 0x20000004
- [0xc4/2 + 1] = 0x2000,
- [0xc8/2] = 0xcdef, // c8: 89abcdef .word 0x89abcdef
- [0xc8/2 + 1] = 0x89ab,
- [0xcc/2] = 0x0405, // cc: 02030405 .word 0x02030405
- [0xcc/2 + 1] = 0x0203,
- [0xd0/2] = 0xaebf, // d0: 8c9daebf .word 0x8c9daebf
- [0xd0/2 + 1] = 0x8c9d,
- [0xd4/2] = 0x1516, // d4: 13141516 .word 0x13141516
- [0xd4/2 + 1] = 0x1314,
- [0xd8/2] = 0x0700, // d8: 00010700 .word 0x00010700
- [0xd8/2 + 1] = 0x0001,
+ [0x0/2] = 0xe00a,
+ [0x2/2] = 0x46c0,
+ [0x4/2] = 0x0000, 0x0000,
+ [0x8/2] = 0x0000, 0x0000,
+ [0xc/2] = 0x0000, 0x0000,
+ [0x10/2] = 0x0000, 0x0000,
+ [0x14/2] = 0x0000, 0x0000,
+ [0x18/2] = 0x2201,
+ [0x1a/2] = 0x4b2a,
+ [0x1c/2] = 0x68d9,
+ [0x1e/2] = 0x604a,
+ [0x20/2] = 0x4a29,
+ [0x22/2] = 0x60ca,
+ [0x24/2] = 0x4a29,
+ [0x26/2] = 0x60ca,
+ [0x28/2] = 0x4a29,
+ [0x2a/2] = 0x610a,
+ [0x2c/2] = 0x4a29,
+ [0x2e/2] = 0x610a,
+ [0x30/2] = 0x684a,
+ [0x32/2] = 0x0792,
+ [0x34/2] = 0xd502,
+ [0x36/2] = 0x2301,
+ [0x38/2] = 0x604b,
+ [0x3a/2] = 0xbe00,
+ [0x3c/2] = 0x4826,
+ [0x3e/2] = 0x6188,
+ [0x40/2] = 0x685d,
+ [0x42/2] = 0x4e20,
+ [0x44/2] = 0x2d00,
+ [0x46/2] = 0xddf6,
+ [0x48/2] = 0x8a32,
+ [0x4a/2] = 0x0852,
+ [0x4c/2] = 0x1e54,
+ [0x4e/2] = 0x4295,
+ [0x50/2] = 0xdb02,
+ [0x52/2] = 0x6837,
+ [0x54/2] = 0x4227,
+ [0x56/2] = 0xd01d,
+ [0x58/2] = 0x2602,
+ [0x5a/2] = 0x8a5f,
+ [0x5c/2] = 0x4037,
+ [0x5e/2] = 0x427e,
+ [0x60/2] = 0x417e,
+ [0x62/2] = 0x00f6,
+ [0x64/2] = 0x604e,
+ [0x66/2] = 0x681e,
+ [0x68/2] = 0x4034,
+ [0x6a/2] = 0x1b12,
+ [0x6c/2] = 0x42aa,
+ [0x6e/2] = 0xd900,
+ [0x70/2] = 0x1c2a,
+ [0x72/2] = 0x1aad,
+ [0x74/2] = 0x605d,
+ [0x76/2] = 0x0892,
+ [0x78/2] = 0x3a01,
+ [0x7a/2] = 0xd3e1,
+ [0x7c/2] = 0x689c,
+ [0x7e/2] = 0x1d25,
+ [0x80/2] = 0x609d,
+ [0x82/2] = 0x6825,
+ [0x84/2] = 0x681c,
+ [0x86/2] = 0x1d26,
+ [0x88/2] = 0x601e,
+ [0x8a/2] = 0x6025,
+ [0x8c/2] = 0x698c,
+ [0x8e/2] = 0x4204,
+ [0x90/2] = 0xd0f2,
+ [0x92/2] = 0xe7d0,
+ [0x94/2] = 0x2481,
+ [0x96/2] = 0x4252,
+ [0x98/2] = 0x402a,
+ [0x9a/2] = 0x1aad,
+ [0x9c/2] = 0x00e4,
+ [0x9e/2] = 0x604c,
+ [0xa0/2] = 0x0892,
+ [0xa2/2] = 0x6075,
+ [0xa4/2] = 0x3a01,
+ [0xa6/2] = 0xd308,
+ [0xa8/2] = 0x689c,
+ [0xaa/2] = 0x1d25,
+ [0xac/2] = 0x609d,
+ [0xae/2] = 0x6825,
+ [0xb0/2] = 0x681c,
+ [0xb2/2] = 0x1d26,
+ [0xb4/2] = 0x601e,
+ [0xb6/2] = 0x6025,
+ [0xb8/2] = 0xe7f4,
+ [0xba/2] = 0x698a,
+ [0xbc/2] = 0x4202,
+ [0xbe/2] = 0xd0bf,
+ [0xc0/2] = 0xe7b9,
+ [0xc2/2] = 0x46c0,
+ [0xc4/2] = 0x0004, 0x2000,
+ [0xc8/2] = 0xcdef, 0x89ab,
+ [0xcc/2] = 0x0405, 0x0203,
+ [0xd0/2] = 0xaebf, 0x8c9d,
+ [0xd4/2] = 0x1516, 0x1314,
+ [0xd8/2] = 0x0700, 0x0001,